Learning wound care from movies

I recently was able to watch “Slumdog Millionaire” as well as “10,000 B.C.”

Slumdog Millionaire was pretty good but it wasn’t *that* great. I think it was overrated. I enjoyed it but didn’t see what was so special about it to get so many awards. I think it was more shock value that won it so many awards. Stupid Westerners don’t realize how poor other places and people are.

Young Jamal in the squatting toilet trying to get a "shy one" out.

Young Jamal in the squatting toilet trying to get a "shy one" out.

This still is part of the story about how the main character knows one of the answers concerning a famous actor. He’s in a squatting toilet and gets locked in by his brother. He escapes by jumping down into the poop pile. Eventually he gets a famous actors autograph while covered in poo. The best part is when his brother, who collects tolls for using the toilet, tries to get him to hurry up for a paying customer. He replies that he can’t because he is working on a “shy one.” I thought that was hilarious.

I watched “10,000 B.C.” after my wine appreciation class on Monday. I know one of the TAs and she gets some leftover wine after each class. So I ended up having some more wine and watching this movie with a group of people who also got to enjoy the wine.

D'Leh chasing after his hotty being taken away by the "big birds."

D'Leh chasing after his hotty being taken away by the "big birds."

The movie is really a sweet B movie. There are complete chronological idiosyncracies. Cave men, metalwork, pyramids, woolly mammoths in the dessert, Saracens. It’s just a menagerie of stuff that makes it that much more fun to watch. The wine didn’t hurt. At one point one of the characters gets hurt pretty bad. The main character then cauterizes the wound. One of the girls who was watching the movie was trying to get the word “cauterize” out of her mouth while another girl offered “solderize” as the word she was looking for. Cauterize was offered as the real word to them. Eventually later on somehow solderize was still stuck in her head and cauterize was also vaguely still there. Unfortuneately, “sodomize the wound” is what came out. Ever after that, puns on “sodomizing wounds” abounded. Good times. Good wine (port & sherry & chocoloate no less). :)


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