Tooth Fairy

I got a (my only) wisdom tooth pulled today. It cost me $47 to get it pulled. I won’t be able to get a visit from the Tooth Fairy since they wouldn’t let me keep it. “BIohazard” they said. I thought certain things, but didn’t say them to the Tech.
I’m still bleeding but not in really any pain at all. Anybody need a prescription for “Tylonal III?” Whatever the hell that is! Ahh America’s education system failing us once more. I mean how can the kids go and get high if they don’t even know how to spell the drugs they need to crush up and snort?

With Wisdom (l) and Without Wisdom (r)

With Wisdom (l) and Without Wisdom (r)

Hmm, maybe I’ll go and dumpster dive the “biohazard bin” and get back that which is rightfully mine.

And another reason I’m glad I didn’t go into medicine: you don’t have to deal with morbidly obese mothers with large fupas and 16 year old daughter who are developing fupas of their own while acting like a 4 year old.

One Response to “Tooth Fairy”

  1. andy says:

    Dude, there’s a tooth missing!