Archive for September, 2009

Busy busy beaver….

Tuesday, September 22nd, 2009
Spidery Thing at John Bryant

Spidery Thing at John Bryant

Snake at John Bryant

Snake at John Bryant

So if you roll back your calendars to when Mom & PJ first left for Europe, ages ago I know, I went home to visit Chris and pick up some bike rollers from PJ. On Sunday, Chris and I went for a brisk walk through John Bryant. At the bridge we spotted this snake and the spidery thing. I think I’d be much more freaked out by the spidery thing than the snake. The spider thing had to be a huge wolf spider or something. That or one of those mythical barking spiders. I’m not sure.

So can you tell what is wrong in this picture? Hint: look at the bike lock. I didn’t really test it out but thought it pretty interesting that someone would try to lock up their bike purely by the handle bars. Not that anyone would really want to steal a POS Next. I was tempted to slide the bike lock off and just leave it there for the person to find. The devil wasn’t speaking to me from his perch on my shoulder. So instead I just took a picture.

Anything wrong with this picture???

Anything wrong with this picture???

The beginning of classes came way to fast. Fortunately so did the parties.

Yours Truly and Animal Secor

Yours Truly and Animal Secor

I spur of the moment jumped in the car and headed off to Old Boys. It was a great time. I showed up just before the second half and am pissed at myself for missing the first half. Oh well. Better late than never. The normal shenanigans ensued but it just seemed so much crazier when I was in undergrad. And I know that we did party a bit harder. Some key individuals were missing and some faces I never thought I’d see again showed up.

Illinois Rugby Old Boys 2009

Illinois Rugby Old Boys 2009

On the way back from Illinois I saw this and laughed. Luckily my camera was right next to me. The damn thing has goggles and everything!

Man's Best Friend

Man's Best Friend

The following weekend after Old Boys I participated in my first ever Olympic distance Triathlon. That means 1.5 km swim, 40 km bike, and a 10k run. I was worried about the swim but overall was very happy with my time. I borrowed my friends wetsuit, which helped a lot. I predicted it would take me an hour to finish the swim. My friends were more optimistic betting around 45 minutes. In the end I finished the swim in 36 minutes. Still slow as molasses but not glacial.

Put me in coach I'm ready to go!

Put me in coach I'm ready to go!

One of the guys didn’t want to do the race and instead took pictures. There is a whole set of them here. My favorite two are this one and this one and well this one too and maybe this guy. Oh yeah and I brought home some hardware :) .
Yeah getting the originals from the guy who took the pictures is on my agenda.

Over Labor Day weekend we finally busted out a bocce ball set that I purchased years ago. I can’t say for sure that I bought them Rochester, I’m thinking it might’ve been sometime during my first year at Purdue. But more importantly we busted out the rollers and my friend Cameron

Cameron give the rollers the beer test.

Cameron give the rollers the beer test.

christened them properly.

Last weekend (the weekend of the 12th) the Purdue Triathlon team put on their own Triathlon. Things could’ve run more smoothly but all in all the race went off without a hitch. I led the bikers on my friends motorcycle.

I’ve been doing some intramurals with my fellow triathletes with varying degrees of success. Photos of my (poor) athleticisim may be found here.

This Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday I’ve been presenting some of my labs work to some HS students south of Indy. It’s funny going back to school. I enjoyed the goofiness of HS kids. I had to laugh with all the trash strewn hallways full of castoff pencils and papers littering the hallway. Leaving during class change was fun. Being back in college is enough of a trip, seeing HS again was even funnier.
Ok time to catch up on some of the schoolwork I missed today because I was gone back to HS.