Archive for January, 2009


Tuesday, January 6th, 2009

Yesterday despite lazing about, I did accomplish a few things. I made dinner for a friend and myself. My friend, Mandy, is all alone in her house after her boyfriend left on a ski trip. This girl can’t not speak and it must’ve been killing her to not have someone around to talk to. Or I bet she talked all day on her cell phone. Regardless, I made us dinner and then we went out to see ‘Australia’ with Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman. I can’t say that it was spectacular movie. There was plenty of eye-candy for both guys and girls, but nothing too racy. It didn’t have a strong plot and I got mad at the bad computer graphics. But a good date movie nonetheless. Oh that is if you are up for sitting for 2:45. Yeah empty the bladder before you go.

One for the guys, One for the girls

One for the guys, One for the girls